Thank you for choosing our correction service. Please, make sure you send your work based on the following checklist
Type your essay/report/letter in a Microsoft Word file. (Max. file size: 4 MB)
Include your name and the task on top of your essay, report, or letter in the file
Send each task separately, NOT all in one email or one Word file. That can be confusing
The word limit for task 1 should not exceed 200 words. If your report exceeds that limit, it will be treated as a task 2 essay. You are therefore required to decide on a payment plan for task 2 and submit your long task 1 report
Please, note that our service does not include answering follow-up questions after the correction
Steps ahead
Send your essay/report/letter via this email address
Get your feedback within 3 business days and sometimes more (on Thursdays and Fridays, the system is off)